Wednesday 19 January 2011

ROW update 5

I like getting those little check-in messages. If I had more time, I'd love to read everyone else's posts and offer encouragement, as suggested. As it is, the only reason I'm online right now is because my boyfriend is taking a nap. Then we're out to enjoy the city night! A rare treat, really.
I'll try and get around to it on the weekend, as well as some more critiquing. (I find it's helping me see my own writing more clearly. Double win.)
While he's still napping I want to write a couple hundred words on my book, then I can say I've gotten at least 500 done today. 


  1. Have fun! And sometimes, we just have to snatch those writing moments when we can. Maybe you could tell your boyfriend to take a nap more often...
    I agree with you, though. It is nice to get the encouragement from others, and to read up on their progress.


I could hug you already!